Saturday, April 23, 2016

DarkTrack RC 2.0 New Rat (Free)

* 2.0 Final version Released!.

 * Features

 Manager Modules

  - Filemaneger
  - Process Manager
  - Window Manager
  - Service Manager

 Spy Tools

  - Remote Desktop
  - Remote Webcam (DirectX)
  - Audio Capture
  - Keylogger (Online/Offline)
  - Remote Passwords (Chrome/Mozilla supported all versions)


  - Registry Editor


  - Remote Shell (Command Prompt:cmd.exe)


  - Notes

Change Notes:

  + Persistance Module activated.
  + User groups added.
  + Victim ID Change feature added.
  + Victim Icon Change feature added.
  + Search Victim feature added.
  + Short feature on connections list.
  + Download Execute feature added.


1 comment:

  1. I am using Kaspersky security for a few years now, and I would recommend this solution to everyone.
